Ruth is searching for her father – a man she hardly knew but cannot forget. Desperation drives her to work without a permit, at a massage parlour, where she gives ‘happy endings’ to unfulfilled men. Torn between several schisms, Mumbai becomes the backdrop for Ruth's quest as she struggles to find her independence and space even as she is sucked deeper into the labyrinthine pol...
影片讲述了一个关于印度政坛的故事。 印度的政治与选举,使得少数的人得以操控数千万人的生活,但这群人并不满足,仍汲汲营营的满足自己的野心,为此不惜暴力相向。 少数人玩弄政治、攫取利益,而其影响所及将超出你我的想象。